Press Room

Rural Gone Urban Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)3 and was founded in 2022 by Brooke Clay Taylor for the “support of strong women doing brave things” and doing so without an asterisk.

Our founding board believes strong women who navigate life bravely are worthy of our support and community. The Rural Gone Urban Foundation supports women through scholarships, grants for small-town businesses, and assistance for those battling cancer.

Open Initiatives:

Scholarships for B and C students: As Harry S. Truman so accurately said, “The ‘C’ students run the world.” We support those who seek education and training after high school regardless of their 4.0 GPA. Good humans can not be defined by a grading system, and we support those with strong character, passion, and drive. LEARN MORE

Love Bombs: Only those who crawl, scrape, and pray through the trenches of active cancer treatment can understand the weight of graduating to heaven too soon. We support the bravest of all as they navigate their living legacies. LEARN MORE

Small Business Grants: It takes true grit to dig deep and launch a business from scratch. We’re celebrating those who pave the way to stay in their rural communities. LEARN MORE

Building a Solid Foundation

We’re honored to share the results of our first 9 months as an organization in our inaugural annual report.